Sunday, January 13, 2008

Safari-Free Zone?

Game reserves all over Kenya that are famous for providing accommodations and safaris to tourists are indeed suffering as documented in the article "Lonely tourists enjoy extra space at Kenyan game reserves."

In this article, it states that locations in Kenya are taking cancellations through to the end of this year. That is big news- a year is a long time. Also, for those tourists that maintain their itineraries, costs may rise. With roads blocked, the article reports supplies are being flown in. Costs will rise for these tourist operators. Will they decide to close down with rising costs even if only few tourists want to brave the chaos to reach their paradise?

If you have a safari or Kenya holiday planned for this year, are you planning to continue or not? Why? What would force to you cancel? What would entice you to continue on your trip? If you have not yet planned your trip, will you continue to plan or has your plans for planning been put on hold?

Updated news: January 16, 2008 - Kenya's Coastal Resorts Become Ghost Towns

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