Monday, December 31, 2007

Uncertainity Remains Heavy in the air in Kenya

by: Jennifer Kumar

I am open to learning and changing my mind about things. That is why I started this blog; to learn about something new and open my mind’s borders, so to speak. Kenya is a country that is foreign, exotic and leaves a lot to my imagination since I have not learned much about it before I started this blog. I say this being 32 years old.

I have lived abroad for two years in India. I was in India during several elections and political violence. Yet, somehow knowing what happened there was dangerous, I definitely downplayed what I reported from my findings so far in the Kenyan elections. Therefore, I am making it up in this post, and deleting the ending of my previous post because it is not what I think now, less than one day later.

What I experienced when I lived in India was the following:
- On election days the roads were barren, eerily silent. No stores were open, including many public telephone operators (pay phones operated by workers). No souls including wandering dogs could be seen in the road. I had to go out to the doctor on that day, and I was definitely shaken by the silence that surrounded me.
- I don’t remember the particulars; I think the local leader at the time was going to be sentenced to jail for breaking the law and her supporters did not agree. This led to busses and trains being stoned and a few busses being set on fire- during rush hours. I was out that day as this news was reported in the mid day, and we were not informed because we were doing field work in the slums, were there were few radios and televisions. I was not affected, but a few classmates had shared stories of being in trains that unexpectedly stopped on the tracks and hearing stones hitting the sides of the trains. They did reach home safely.
- The next day or two after those incidents (stoning and busses ablaze) colleges, schools, government offices and many places were closed and people were told to stay inside and only leave for emergency purposes.

After remembering this in detail, and then reading more about what is going on in Kenya, I agree that what I said in yesterday’s post was naïve and ignorant. How can that compare with election violence in U.S.? In U.S., we can go outside during elections. Election days are unlike any other, work goes on as usual without any fear at all. Though there has been election turmoil, it have never seen it result in closing of towns, cities, government offices, colleges, being unable to go to buy food and supplies, fires being lit in streets, killings, ‘gun rapes,’ looting, people being unable to return home because their houses had been burned/looted/occupied by bandits, and the many other terrors that are happening in the streets of Kenyan towns and cities since the election results were announced yesterday. These responses forced all media outlets to freeze reporting, and the majority (or all) of news is being reported by foreign news sources outside Kenyan borders. This current turn of events is in stark contrast to the image Kenya has portrayed to its African and world neighbors, as it has held the reputation of a haven of peace and stability in the region.

We all wish for peace, health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year for all. I send my sincerest wishes for this to all in the world, but especially in Kenya during these uncertain times.

More Information:

Al Jazeera

Videos from BBC - Sky News
Wandering the World Blog - Lock Down

Africa Expat Wives Club- Look for Monday, December 31, 2007 (no title link)

I want to go on Living in Kenya - One story from a localite

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